Marketing tools and strategy for non-marketers




Enter a secure STRIPE checkout to input basic information that we will keep safe and not share.


Look out for an email that says “Confirmation: Successful Sign-Up for the Travel Marketing All Access Pass” that will arrive within 15-minutes. You will have access to the entire All Access Pass + Getting Started Guide on February 1, 2024.

If at any time you need anything at all shoot us an email to or jump on a quick 10minute Quick Support Call with our team.

Get off the marketing struggle bus!


Getting a consistent stream of new clients shouldn’t feel like trying to hold a candlelight dinner in a hurricane.


Remember, marketing isn’t a mythical beast – it’s a science that demands a bit of time, a pinch of testing, and a generous dollop of tweaking.


Just like you’d advise your clients not to turn their vacation into a DIY project (because we all know how those Pinterest boards can turn into vacation dumpster fires), you should do the same with your marketing.

You are not a marketer - that's why it's hard


It's time to align your marketing with your sales goals



Your clients stay with you when they actually get results!


6 Months of unlimited downloads










You will also receive unlimited email support, guidance on platform best practices and step-by-step instructions (Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, ConvertKit, Mailerlite, Flodesk, Wix and more.



Examples include romance, family, ocean and river cruising, adventure + expedition, culinary + culture, celebration and more.
that offer the type of travel that you want to sell – pay careful attention to the destinations and experiences they specialize in.
that the suppliers on your new focused list pay out. If you don’t know, check with your host agency.
Calculate how many trips/travelers you will have to book in order to meet your sales goals.
that your list of focused suppliers go to. Log into your All Access Pass dashboard and download all of the bundles that match your goals.
Using the bundles you’ll be able to post new blogs/articles, create videos, post on social media, record podcasts, have new website copy and more… all 100% aligned with your sales goals

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years with us... our clients stay because they get results

Let’s talk about where you’re struggling the most…



It’s like packing for a tropical getaway and ending up in the Arctic—confusion and disappointment all around. Inconsistent marketing leads to a scattered brand image and unreliable messaging, leaving potential customers scratching their heads.

Your business becomes a rollercoaster ride of mixed signals, making it harder to build trust and establish a strong connection.

Ultimately, you’ll sit watching other travel advisors sail ahead while you struggle to find your footing. Nobody wins if your marketing is inconsistent.



You’ll miss your target audience and waste resources attracting the wrong crowd.

It’s like fishing with a net full of holes—lots of leads, but few that actually convert.

Your sales team ends up doing interpretive dance instead of closing deals, causing frustration and missed opportunities.

The result? A jumbled customer experience and a hit to your bottom line.

So, let’s align those marketing and sales goals, and get you driving in the right direction – driving new leads and closing sales.



You risk leaving a lasting impression for all the wrong reasons. Unpolished marketing materials can make your business appear unprofessional and undermine your credibility.

It’s like handing out business cards with smudged ink and crumpled corners. Potential customers might question your attention to detail and wonder if your products or services are equally lackluster.

With polished and professional marketing materials your audience won’t question if you are the person for the job.




Most travel advisors (around 99% that we know) have inconsistent, random, and DIY/lackluster marketing.  If that’s you, you’re not alone.It is not your fault; we know you don’t want it to be this way.

But because you don’t feel like you have any options, you are now spending time that you don’t have – a frightening amount of it, trying to write copy, make graphics in Canva, and mess around with your website.

You have become a content creator when you should be focused on selling travel and taking care of your clients.

We know you cannot afford to pay an experienced content strategist, not a content creator.

We also know you don’t believe spending 7 hours in Canva this week was a good use of your time.

After all, a DIY marketer isn’t different from a DIY traveler – and we all know how that ends.

If you are embarrassed by your marketing efforts and do not reflect the type of travel you want to sell, you are in the right place.

You can breathe now.

Your life is about to get easier.


When you sign up for the Travel Marketing All Access Pass this is what you can expect:


Not ready to join yet? No problem!

BUT one more quick thing…

If you haven’t planned and prepared your marketing content all the way through February 2024, anticipate the following:


1. Dedicate 1-2 hours per week to prepare and publish your weekly blog on your website.

2. Spend an additional 30 minutes to work on SEO prompts.

3. Allocate 1-2 hours for creating captions, stories, reels, for approximately 4 weekly posts.

4. Invest 2 hours in recording, editing, and publishing your podcast and video content.

5. Thousands of dollars down the drain wasted on content and strategy support that you can get now for $13 per week.


All this time-consuming work can be avoided. Most likely, you’re sacrificing that time that could be spent on client care and securing more bookings.


Don’t find yourself in the same situation next year, still struggling to establish yourself as a content creator when your true calling is to be an outstanding travel advisor.

When people first find your business online they are looking for three things

When your website visitors don’t find all three of these things on both your website and social media, 

they will overlook you and find someone else.



The All Access Pass works out to be around $13 per week
(paid every six months). 


You can’t create all of your marketing content in one hour and even if you could you would not accept a payment of $13 for it. Your time is more valuable than that.



$13 is the same as two sugar-loaded iced lattes at Starbucks. What’s more important? Your luxury latte or your luxury travel business? Lay off the lattes my friend.



I KNOW you have paid thousands of dollars on things that didn’t work like they promised to do. They didn’t save you time. They didn’t save you money. They definitely did not deliver any value to you. That will not happen with the All Access Pass. We have tens of thousands of happy clients in our community that have been with us for many years.


Travel advisors with the most preStigious host agencies + consortia love us



One payment – six months of unlimited downloads

Missed the start of this season’s pass? reach out to see how we can help you


$ 297
  • One payment today - no more month-to-month
  • Next pass begins Feb 1, 2024


There are a number of places where you can get support and guidance during the All Access Pass season:


When you have the right marketing in place, running your travel business can become as smooth as a well-oiled machine, allowing you to concentrate on building an engaged audience.

It’s the difference between wearing all the hats in a one-person play and running a full-fledged production – a well-crafted marketing plan lets you hang up the content creator cap and put on the crown of relationship-building and list cultivation.

Why us?

▶︎ Over 25 years of travel industry experience specifically in marketing and revenue for the world’s biggest travel brands

▶︎ Over 42,000 travel agents and advisors already trust us. Over 40% have been with us for more than 5 years.

▶︎ We want you to win and we know how to guide you there.


A downloading frenzy alone will not help you. You need a plan.

Our 15-minute video and accompanying worksheet are here to help you map out the content your business needs. Once you’ve watched the video and completed the worksheet, you’ll gain 100% clarity on the exact marketing content required to achieve YOUR sales goals. It’s a game-changer!

But that’s not all. With this newfound clarity, you’ll know exactly what to download from our store. Feel free to grab as much as you need, because for the first time (probably ever), the marketing content you download will be in perfect alignment with your sales goals. No more guesswork or wasted efforts!

Say goodbye to random content and hello to personalized resources tailored to your objectives. Get ready to supercharge your marketing strategy like never before!

The 2024 All Access Pass begins Feb 1, 2023 and ends July 31, 2024. That’s a full 6 months of unlimited downloads!

You will have 6 months of unlimited downloads of our destination guides, articles, niche bundles, social media graphics, travel marketing strategy magazines, podcast talking points, story/reel templates, and more!

Get ready for an incredible experience! Our 15-minute video and accompanying worksheet are here to help you map out the content your business needs. Once you’ve watched the video and completed the worksheet, you’ll gain 100% clarity on the exact marketing content required to achieve YOUR sales goals. It’s a game-changer!

But that’s not all. With this newfound clarity, you’ll know exactly what to download from our store. Feel free to grab as much as you need, because for the first time (probably ever), the marketing content you download will be in perfect alignment with your sales goals. No more guesswork or wasted efforts!

Say goodbye to random content and hello to personalized resources tailored to your objectives. Get ready to supercharge your marketing strategy like never before!

  • Sprinkle the content from the bundles anywhere on your website, whether it’s a special group, destination, or niche page. It’s a speedy way to beef up your site and keep the new content rolling, just what your visitors are craving!

    Whether you need a brand new website and have no copy – or just need to improve the site you have, the All Access pass will ensure your work is cut by 90%.

  • Take advantage of the articles and turn them into captivating blog posts to connect with your audience. Feel free to add your personal touch by sharing experiences, recommendations, or even crafting exciting itineraries. This not only offers valuable insights to your readers but also helps establish you as the knowledgeable expert you truly are. You can also run the articles through AI to have your own 100% original version.
  • We quit social media indefinitely so we feel you there! This pass has everything you need if you ARE NOT planning on posting to social. We will show you how to use the content for the other three marketing areas you will be focused on.
  • Keen to know what happens if you quit using social media to market your business? Check out episode 18 of our podcast to learn more.
Fun fact: there are currently over 4500 captions in the library all destination focused allowing you to sell any supplier in any travel niche.
  • Load up the captions and pick your favorite images from our gallery, then upload them all at once to a social media scheduler. Boom! In just a day, you’ll have a whole year’s worth of posts ready to go on your favorite platforms.
  • Spice things up by using the Story graphics to share awesome Stories on Instagram and Facebook. It’s a killer strategy for driving traffic to the cool articles and blogs on your website.
  • Get creative with the Pinterest graphics and create eye-catching Pins for your business account. These Pins will help you bring in more traffic from Pinterest to the amazing blogs and articles on your website.


With unlimited downloads at your disposal, you have the freedom to creatively blend your content like a refreshing fruit salad. This approach allows you to maintain a diverse range of content while ensuring that every piece remains aligned with your sales objectives. 

By consistently sharing relevant and captivating content across your social media channels, podcast, videos, and website, you can now create the ideal weekly email. All you need to do is send a link to any new piece of content, directing readers to your website. Not only does this boost SEO, but it also fosters greater engagement.

Transform any of the content into captivating bundles that serve as irresistible lead magnets, leaving your audience eager to exchange their email addresses for your valuable expertise. These enticing resources are sure to pique their curiosity and drive engagement.

  • Convert the articles into scripts or use them as references to create video content for your vlogs. You can narrate the articles, share your experiences, and showcase the destinations visually through footage or images. This will cater to viewers who prefer consuming travel information through video format.
  • Use Loom to narrate the content found in the destination guides, giving you the option to create a video without appearing on camera if you prefer.

Once you download our licensed content, you’ll have the freedom to reuse it as many times as you like for a generous duration of three years. That’s right, no limitations! Your content will remain accessible and ready to use throughout this period. 

We understand the importance of keeping things fresh and exciting. That’s why we regularly update our store to bring you the latest and greatest. Every season, we add over 50 new items for you to explore and utilize. This ensures that you can always find fresh and relevant content to meet your evolving needs. We’re committed to providing you with a continuously expanding collection of resources to enhance your marketing efforts

The content in the All Access Pass is licensed for individual use within your travel business only.

Sharing the content with colleagues, friends, or anyone else, even for training purposes, goes against the terms of the agreement. You can share access to the content with your team member who handles scheduling and publishing your marketing. Just so you know, the content should only be used for your business purposes.

Sharing the content without proper authorization is a breach of the licensing agreement. It may result in termination of your license and legal consequences.

Remember, respecting the terms of the licensing agreement ensures fair use and protects our intellectual property rights.

Absolutely, host agencies can reach out to us to inquire about an agency rate. It’s an excellent resource for your advisors, as the content is created by industry marketing experts, ensuring better alignment and branding, ensuring a more effective marketing strategy. This will help you stand out from your host agency competitors.


We offer two partnership options:


  1. By sending emails to your advisors (we will provide the copy and images), you can secure savings for all of them. 
  2. Additionally, during the sign-up week, we will exclusively host a Zoom Q&A session for your agency.

You can secure a reduced group rate based on the number of advisors in your agency, making it a more affordable investment for them.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our agency rate in more detail, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to support your agency and provide valuable resources for your advisors’ success.

Absolutely! We encourage each advisor to obtain their own license to access the content. Referring them to purchase their own license ensures compliance and supports the continued availability of valuable resources.

If you have access to a community of travel advisors and would like to learn more about becoming a rewarded partner by promoting the All Access Pass, email us at We’ll provide you with everything you need and reward you with cash in return for supporting our business.

Within reason, yes! You have the freedom to modify the content and infuse it with your own voice, branding, and personal touch. This allows you to align the content with your ideal client and niche, making it more relatable and engaging. 

Infusing the content with your unique style helps build a strong connection and showcase your expertise. Just ensure you comply with the licensing terms and conditions.

The content in our shop is licensed. Let’s dive into the difference between licensing and owning content with our All Access Pass. Licensing content is actually a great option that offers unique benefits. When you license content from us, you gain the ability to customize and tweak it to perfectly suit your business needs. This means you have the flexibility to make adjustments, add your own branding, and tailor the content to align seamlessly with your brand’s voice and style.


The best part is that licensing content comes with a significant advantage: it allows you to enjoy all the benefits of personalization without the hefty price tag that comes with buying content outright. By licensing, you gain access to a wide range of high-quality resources without the burden of expensive content creation costs. It’s a cost-effective solution that empowers you to enhance your marketing efforts without breaking the bank.


So, with our All Access Pass, you’ll have the freedom to customize, tweak, and personalize the licensed content as per your requirements, all while enjoying the affordability and convenience it offers. It’s a win-win situation that ensures your marketing materials are tailored to your business, while still being budget-friendly.

We are pleased to announce in June 2023 we added over 30 new bundles to the store – all available for unlimited downloads together with the existing 120 bundles we have worked on over the past 3 years. We took your suggestions and created as many bundles as possible with them. It took a whole army to get you this quantity of content at this quality. In January 2024 we also added 115 image galleries, 10 email sequences, and a Q&A service to have your questions answered by Sandra McLemore.

To keep things fresh and exciting, we regularly update our store. Each season, we add over 50 new items for you to explore and utilize. So you can always find fresh and relevant content to meet your evolving needs. We’re committed to providing you with a continuously expanding collection of resources to enhance your marketing efforts.

In order to provide the best experience for our users, we have opted for a one-time flat fee payment structure for All Access. This flat fee is charged upfront before any content is released and allows you unlimited downloads for the entire 6 months. We appreciate your understanding and hope that this payment arrangement meets your needs.

With millions of different travel destinations and niches out there, we’ll be hard pressed to run out of ideas to write about! Each season, we’ll add more destinations, more niches, and more fascinating content that will continue to engage your ideal audience!

Certainly! While we cannot guarantee that every requested content will be added, we are always open to hearing from you and taking your suggestions into consideration. 

Your input is valuable to us as we strive to improve and expand our offerings. Please feel free to continue sharing your ideas with us, and we will carefully review each suggestion.

Absolutely! Travel Marketing Revolution is our fully supported signature online course. It’s a comprehensive educational program specifically designed to help travel business owners like you achieve and maintain a consistent stream of new clients. Through our carefully crafted modules and live group coaching sessions, we provide you with the necessary tools and guidance to eliminate confusion and gain clarity in your travel marketing efforts.


Our All Access Pass, on the other hand, is a 6 month subscription service created for travel advisors and industry professionals seeking a reliable source of high-quality, comprehensive travel marketing materials. With the All Access Pass, you’ll enjoy unlimited downloads of our niche, destination, and marketing strategy collections. Additionally, you’ll have access to over 20 travel marketing magazines, providing you with valuable insights and inspiration.


Both Travel Marketing Revolution and the All Access Pass are designed to empower you with the knowledge and resources necessary to thrive in your travel business. If you have any further inquiries about these offerings or need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support your success!

Absolutely! We understand that you may have additional questions or concerns. Please feel free to email us at Our team will be more than happy to assist you and provide further clarification.

You can also book a 1:1 Quick Support Call at any time

Since our All Access Pass provides you immediate access to unlimited downloads, it falls under our no-refund and no-return policy

You can cancel your auto-renew at any point before the next season begins by emailing us at Once your card has been charged and full access has been given, we cannot authorize any refunds under any circumstance. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Once your auto renew payment has been processed we do not offer refunds. You can cancel at any time before a renewal payment.

We hold open-enrollment periods twice a year, specifically the week before each season begins. If you missed open enrollment there are other options. Reach out to learn more. 

In the meantime, subscribe to our emails, so you’ll always stay in the loop and be notified about important updates and future enrollment periods. We appreciate your interest and can’t wait to have you onboard!

Simply log into your Dashboard to access your All Access Pass. You will find it alongside your online courses, and shop purchases. 

If you don’t have a dashboard account with us yet, you can register for one here

The ultimate tool for non-marketers who need excellent marketing!


TWELVE INSTALLMENTS – Special offer that requires prior approval. For clarification, please email  *Additional $500 premium applies to WordPress site

Angela J

Angela brings a lifetime, literally, of writing and travel experience to the team. She has traveled to more than 30 countries—and has lived in four of them.

What I do

Create high-quality content

On my travel bucket list

Antarctica, the Galapagos, Egypt, Slovenia and Patagonia are currently at the top of the list, but I want to go EVERYWHERE.

My fave food

Anything with avocado

My favorite people in my life

Family and friends, of course! Especially the ones who join me on epic travel adventures…some of whom I met on epic travel adventures.

Laura P

In my free time, I’m a musician (pianist/vocalist/guitarist) and photographer while looking for opportunities to go hiking, travel, and read, especially about psychology. I love to visually bring clients dreams to life!

What I do

 As Design Lead and one of Travel Marketing and Media’s designers, I help manage the design team while designing websites, logos, and marketing kits for clients. With an MBA, I have over 20 years of experience in marketing and design, including over 10 years managing a marketing firm.

On my travel bucket list

Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Africa, Thailand, Alaska, Montana

My fave food

mango, pineapple, jalapeno, spicy Thai or Korean and BBQ (especially Kansas City BBQ brisket burnt ends), I also love to cook and try new foods!



My favorite people in my life

My fiance, family and my 15-year old rescued pomeranian chihuahua Casper

Es M

Es is a creative digital designer. She enjoys creating and designing websites and graphics. When she’s not designing websites, she’s hiking and enjoying the outdoors.

What I do

Wordpress and Wix Website Designer.



On my travel bucket list

Thailand, Mauritius, and Mozambique.

My fave food

Malva pudding – A caramelized sweet cake soaked in creamy syrup and typically served with custard, but I like mine with vanilla ice cream.

My favorite people in my life

My family and my friends. 

Jacqueline K

Jacqueline herself is an avid traveler and brings exceptional experience to the team with her digital marketing, branding and operations.  In her own words she is always looking to add new skills to her arsenal!

What I do

I’m one of TMM’s Marketing Coordinators

On my travel bucket list

Everywhere I haven’t been! Top of my list is Finnish Lapland, Egypt, South Africa, and Antarctica

My fave food

The 3 P’s: Pizza, Pasta, and Popcorn, plus Rack of Lamb and anything Wild Boar

My favorite people in my life

I just got married (Yay for being a COVID-Bride) so my husband, my family, my friends who are really family.  I’ve lived around the United States and have been lucky enough to find a really incredible group of people to laugh with, talk to, go on adventures, and just love each other.

Hannah W

Hannah joins our group with a skillset packed with design, social media and communication roles.  She supports our team in any way she can and has an extensive background in all things marketing. 

What I do


On my travel bucket list


My fave food


My favorite people in my life


Jordana M

Jordana brings 17 years of travel industry experience to the team. She’s traveled to 80+ countries, spends every spare minute she can exploring her local mountains, and is the proud Mother of an adventurous, globetrotting little human.

What I do

Copy shop Writer

On my travel bucket list


My fave food

Singaporean Chicken Rice

My favorite people in my life

My son, my Mom, and my community of girlfriends

Orestes D

Orestes is the lead on Wordpress development projects. He possesses 10+ years of experience working with companies to bring their ideal online presence to life, with clientele ranging from small business owners to large travel brands.

What I do

Build all the Wordpress websites.

On my travel bucket list

Scotland, Ireland and India.

My fave food

Mexican and Italian.

My favorite people in my life

My wife, kids and family.

Lou M

Always up for a new adventure and learning more about what the world has to offer. A laid-back and caring individual that loves spending time with her family, playing guitar, reading, and solving puzzles.

What I do

I’m a Graphic Designer and Design Support for Travel Marketing and Media. I help create websites and other graphic elements, as well as helping my other team members. I also work with other clients creating UI and digital content on many platforms.

On my travel bucket list

Italy, Maldives, and Australia.

My fave food

I love smoked salmon and cream cheese on a croissant, sushi, watermelon, any warm homemade food, and a cup of matcha latte any time.

My favorite people in my life

My family is my everything. All I do is for them. My partner holds the most special place in my heart, as I can’t see myself without him.

Kelsea R

Kelsea is one of our 4 amazing concierges providing excellent service to Travel Marketing and Media Clients. She brings 10+ years of experience and also assists in project management. She is always up for a challenge and looking to get things done!

What I do

I am a Client Concierge and I make sure we keep our advisors happy!

On my travel bucket list

Next time I’m able to travel internationally, I’ll be crossing Greece off my list

My fave food

Mexican street tacos with lots of cilantro and lime

My favorite people in my life

My partner, Cait and my hound/beagle mix, Chester.


TWELVE INSTALLMENTS – Special offer that requires prior approval. For clarification, please email  *Additional $500 premium applies to WordPress site


To get that consistent stream of new clients you need two things; a strategy and tactics. We'd like to send you a weekly email with that help. 


We're here to help you build a travel business that is wildly profitable and brings you joy.

Thanks! Keep an eye on your inbox for updates.


Charisse has a wealth of administrative knowledge and experience. She’s from North Carolina, and has a really calm demeanor yet is eager when it comes to her work.

What I do

Learning the ends and outs of the web design process, responding to questions and concerns from clients.

On my travel bucket list

Johannesburg, North Holland, Alaska

My fave food


My favorite people in my life

My mom, my sisters, my cousins, and my friends from H.S/College.

Office Closures

Our office is closed on the following days in 2023


Business + Team Development




Independence Day

JULY 6 - 7

Business + Team Development


Business + Team Development

September 4

Labor Day

September 25

Business + Team Development


Veterans Day




Christmas Day


Business + Team Development

Jenn G

She specializes in blogs and articles about family and home but has a passion for travel.

When she’s not working, she enjoys time with her husband, three (adult) children, and five pets. She and her family live in a beautiful area in Maine with no shortage of things to do!

What I do

Freelance writer

On my travel bucket list

Hawaii, Italy, and Australia

My fave food

Cheeseburgers and fried chicken (not healthy, but I don’t care – yum!)

My favorite people in my life

My husband and children

Matthew D

While his degree may be in journalism, he spends most of his time focusing on blogs and social
media writing for clients in various industries. When not writing, Matthew also spends a large chunk of his time working in education. He divides his time between working in the classroom and helping to run before and after school childcare programs. In his free time, he can be found reading, crafting, and keeping up with all things pop culture (just not the Kardashians).

What I do

Content Writer

On my travel bucket list

Cyprus, Prague (Again), Argentina, Australia

My fave food

Vegetable Lasagna, Any kind of soup,  Hummus, Chex Mix

My favorite people in my life

My parents, but specifically my favorite travel companion, my mother.

Jonnelle Davis

In the meantime, as a travel content editor, Jonnelle helps to deliver clean and engaging content to our travel agents.

She enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family, and she savors opportunities to have new experiences, big and small.

What I do

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

On my travel bucket list

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

My fave food

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

My favorite people in my life

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

Anthony McLemore

Not only does Anthony co-host some of the video related Power Sessions with Sandra, but he also created an incredible course for travel bussinesses showing them how to use video to increase their sales.

If you’re lucky you’ll also catch him at a travel conference on stage or in our booth.

What I do

I direct and produce video content for travel suppliers such as cruise lines, hotel chains, associations, consortia, host agencies, and tour operators. My expertise is in interviewing and storytelling and the content that I produce is an excellent investment for suppliers as they can use it for many years to come. I travel with a film crew to the suppliers and we also travel to destinations to capture photos and videos to build supplier media libraries.

On my travel bucket list

Snowboarding in the Swiss Alps, exploring the South Pacific islands where my wife’s family is from, a safari with my son and wife in South Africa, and a first-class train adventure somewhere exotic.

My fave food

Japanese, Thai, Italian, Greek

My favorite people in my life

Not surprisingly…. Sandra and Houston! I also have amazing parents, family, and friends in every corner of the globe that I am grateful for.

Dana B

When she’s not making beautiful websites, Dana enjoys spending time with her husband and young daughter. She’s always looking to plan their next road trip or outdoor adventure, and can’t help but be expired but the amazing destinations she learns about through her work every day.

What I do

I help bring the client’s business to life by crafting stunning websites and marketing pieces to showcase their unique travel services.

On my travel bucket list

My travel bucket list right now is focused more on domestic destinations. I want to see more of our beautiful country–the Rockies, the Grand Canyon, the New England coast, the Florida Keys, and Hawaii just to name a few!

My fave food

I love all different kinds of foods but right now I’m really digging Mediterranean flavors. Give me all the garlic and all the spices!

My favorite people in my life

My favorite people in my life are of course my husband and daughter, my parents and siblings, and my dog Lucy!

Jenny M

Tasnia is an avid traveler who provides writing content for travel businesses. She acquires extensive experience as a writer and brings her passion of travel and creative writing into Travel Marketing and Media. 

What I do

I’m a Freelance Creative Writer. 

On my travel bucket list

Verona, Italy & Santorini, Greece have my heart.

My fave food

My favorite food consists of cheese, or anything spicy. 

My favorite people in my life

My favorite people in my life include my family, friends, and my cat Macy! 

Emily B

As a North Carolina native, Emily spent most of her summers on the coast so her love for the sea and adventure developed at an early age. Since moving to New York, Emily has built a career around travel and looks forward to exploring more of Southeast Asia and South America in the future.

What I do

Freelance writer for social media, websites, destinations, and blogs. 

On my travel bucket list

Vietnam, Australia, and Costa Rica!

My fave food

Anything Italian and a really good cheeseburger!

My favorite people in my life

Family and my friends/travel buddies!

Svetlana I

Svetlana is known for her detail-oriented nature and her desire to learn. She is multilingual, enjoys yoga, new experiences, and loves travel!

What I do

I make sure our clients get answers to their questions and get to the right courses at the right time

On my travel bucket list

All around Seattle, Vancouver, and Anchorage

My fave food

Anything-raw vegan with a steaming hot mug of pure cacao

My favorite people in my life

My mom

Jeanna Akins

She has spent over a decade in the Administrative world and has a knack for order and direction. She is our go-to for a wide array of services. If she doesn’t have the answer she’ll find it or get you to the team member that does!

Jeanna enjoys time with her family (which includes a 13 year old Yorkie), being out doors and bringing old objects back to life. She also has a passion for volunteering in her community.

What I do

I proudly provide services as Travel Marketing and Media’s business manager. Leading our concierge’s, creative team, and content production for Social Media Solutions as well as work with VIP clients and organize events for Sandra.

On my travel bucket list

Germany,  Iceland and Norway.

My fave food

Mexican, Italian and Thai food.

My favorite people in my life

My Family and friends for sure, life just wouldn’t be as great without them and a special shout out to my husband who puts up with me!

Tawney Clum

Tawney loves all things outdoors and treasures time with her friends and family. In her down time she takes advantage the beautiful  near by mountains and lakes while indulging in great fishing trips!

She loves her family and friends and a great family vacation!

What I do

Assistant Manager

On my travel bucket list


My fave food


My favorite people in my life

My Children and my Husband

Sandra McLemore

Sandra created Travel Marketing & Media, a marketing agency for travel business owners who want to create a consistent stream of new clients so that they can have a wildly profitable travel business that brings them joy.

She speaks regularly at travel industry events around the world and in 2021 will launch her new travel magazine & travel accessories collection.

Sandra is also the host of Travel Market Report TV, the travel industry’s leading trade publisher, and the travel expert featured on Daily Mail TV, CNN, BBC World News, ABC, morning TV shows, and talk shows.

What I do

I create and teach our signature online course, our masterclasses, workshops and host the Travel Marketing Townhall meetings. I also provide webinars and keynotes for host agencies, consortia and large travel industry events.

On my travel bucket list

South Korea, South Africa, a river cruise, Sri Lanka, a world cruise!

My fave food

Vietnamese, Thai, Italian, Japanese.

My favorite people in my life

My husband Anthony, our baby Houston, my Goddaughter Nomi, and all of our amazing friends and family. We have an amazing village. And of course I’ll always love Oprah, Amy Porterfield and Donald Miller.