the foundations
you need

▶︎ Attract new clients
▶︎ Put strong systems in place
▶︎ Close more sales

enrolment open

MAY 19 - MAY 26 2023



If you are living client to client, it means you are living paycheck to paycheck. 

We know that’s not what you wanted for your business. You have big dreams for this travel business of yours.

But the reality is that unless you start generating a consistent stream of new clients, your business will not survive.









It’s time to break free from the endless cycle of frustration and searching for answers, because the solutions you seek already exist.

We are ready to help you change your business and move from frustrated to fruitful.

You deserve a travel business that not only thrives financially but also fills you with joy, one that checks off boxes on your own bucket list and vision boards – that life you have always wanted.

Thousands of travel advisors just like you have successfully enrolled in and implemented our signature online course, Travel Marketing Revolution and we’d love to share more information about that below.



No matter how much you’ve immersed yourself in the world of travel or how passionate you are about its transformative power, there’s one crucial element that cannot be overlooked—the steady flow of new clients to fuel your business.

All the knowledge, certificates, and personal experiences mean very little if they don’t translate into a satisfying number on your commission checks.

It’s time to seize control of your financial destiny and stop leaving money on the table—your money!
I hesitated at the cost but figured with all the time COVID gave me it was
the perfect way to be productive and grow my business because I knew it would back if I learned better tools. 

I’m soooo glad I took the plunge. Sandra herself makes you want to get things accomplished.

I love that there are not only video lessons but so much follow up through the private Facebook Group and live coaching sessions to ask questions and clarify the lessons. No other course I’ve ever signed up for did that!

The modules all make sense which makes me more motivated to act on putting them in place.

The accountability group I ended up with turned out to be amazing - I’ve got 3 travel advisors who have become my friends as well as people I can run things by.

We have agreed to stay in touch long after the lessons are done.
Amy Shepard
Travel Advisor

take a look at exactly what we will learn + implement together into your business

You will hit the ground running in this first module.

A huge moment of clarity is guaranteed when we teach you exactly how the most profitable brands in the world are managing their marketing.

  • What a marketing funnel is and why your travel business needs one to survive and thrive.
  • The purpose, conversion, and tactics for each funnel level.
  • How to align your activities each day/week/month/year to your funnel and sales goals.

Expect even more clarity (and some stone cold sober moments) as we dig into the numbers.

You will finally know exactly how much your business will cost to run and what exactly (and how many) you need to sell to reach your goals.


  • How to establish your sales targets.
  • A detailed walk-through of the business budget includes accurate tips on calculating expenditure and income (for personal and business purposes).
  • Guidance on how to complete a simple one-page business plan with clear metrics.

You can’t get a consistent stream of new clients until you know exactly who you’re looking for and where to find them.

This module helps you to drill down on your niche and ideal client.


  • Understanding your niche and ideal client with great depth to assist you with How to curate a collective of focused and preferred suppliers for your travel business
  • Why and how to conduct your ideal client interviews. This will shine a light on your ideal client, how they like to travel, and how to market to them.

Whether you’re charging planning fees or not, this module will motivate you to take your expertise to the next level.

Imagine making $60-100K every year in planning fees alone! We’ll show you how.


  • By the end of this module you will be confidently charging fees that your clients are happy to pay
  • Plug in our onboarding process and tweak it to your liking. It’s automated and will only catch the clients you want.
  • Learn the different fee options, some innovative ways to present them, and how much to charge

In this module the lessons focus on how to find your ideal client and attract them.

We then take a look at the highest converting tactics to convert strangers into email subscribers.

  • Learn how to create lead magnets that will attract the attention of your ideal client.
  • Be guided through the process of converting strangers into email subscribers including the systems and processes to put in place.
  • Create a plan to promote your lead magnet and analyze its performance to make enhancements and changes.
  • Be guided through best practices for participating in events such as tradeshows and expos to ensure that your time, energy, and resources produce a return on investment.
  • Understand the difference between email marketing in the top two levels of the funnel and sales emails in the bottom level of the funnel.
  • Learn the best practices for converting email subscribers into paying clients.


No matter where you are in your social media journey (or nightmare), this module will clarify which tactics convert and how to either DIY your social media or hire someone to do it for you. 


  • Develop a clear understanding of where social media fits in your travel business and
  • Plan 2 years of topics within an hour, that align directly with your sales goals
  • Learn how to choose and set up the right platforms on social media for your travel business
  • Understand how the Travel Marketing & Media ® content bundles can help ease your workload and how to most effectively use them.
  • Gain clarity on social media algorithms and what you need to know and avoid as you build your presence.


This module is the one that you think will be the hardest – and it turns out to be the easiest!

Most importantly it is an essential tactic – check out Dave’s video above.


  • Plan 2 years of topics within an hour, that align directly with your sales goals
  • Batch creating: what it is and how it will change the way you run your business.
  • Discover the email marketing platforms available for you to choose from and learn how to choose the best one for you
  • Decide what type of weekly content best suits your lifestyle and skill set and learn the steps to getting started in each: blog/article, podcast, or video.
  • Learn a few simple yet effective ways to tease your weekly content on social media so that it drives more traffic to your lead magnet.

Imagine finding thousands of potential new clients and sending them to your website, and then losing them.

It wont be a problem you’ll ever have once you implement the tactics in this module. 

  • The 20 elements that every travel business website needs to have.
  • The importance of website navigation and best practices.
  • Conduct an audit of your current website and establish a plan to improve.
  • Know how to hire the right designer and copywriter for your travel business website.
  • The most powerful and innovative way to collect and showcase testimonials from your clients.


Marketing is a game of trial and error, where you strategically experiment with various tactics.

But how do you figure out what’s truly effective and what’s not? How do you pinpoint where to invest your energy and make improvements?

This module is your ultimate guide to confidently troubleshoot your own marketing woes.


Each module in this extraordinary program is specifically designed to equip you with the skills, strategies, and tools needed to attract and retain a continuous stream of clients. 

Whether you’re a seasoned travel expert or just starting out, our modules are tailored to fit any business, big or small, established or emerging.

By dedicating only 2-3 hours per module, you’ll unlock the secrets to implementing these high-converting strategies into your own business. 

Imagine the possibilities when you start reaping the rewards of acquiring and retaining more clients than ever before – and not just any clients – the ones that want to book the type of travel that you want to sell.

Enrollment for this exclusive program only opens 1-2 times per year, and the next opportunity is just around the corner in May 2023. 

Don’t miss your chance to take your travel business to new heights. Secure your spot and embark on a journey towards your goals.


Travel Marketing Revolution  is our fully supported signature online course.

It is an educational travel marketing program that helps you get and keep a consistent stream of new clients.

Our modules and Live group coaching sessions are a coaching tool for travel business owners who need to remove the confusion from travel marketing and replace it with clarity.

You’ll learn new skills and tactics and how to implement them into your travel business during the course.

It is a condensed version of the original Travel Marketing Revolution. It is tailored specifically to travel advisors starting or re-starting their businesses, focusing on the foundational lessons and modules required for building their marketing and sales funnels. Advisors who enroll may be new to the industry or just not profitable… yet.

Expect a power-packed curriculum, consisting of 10 captivating modules, full of valuable lessons.

These modules serve as the building blocks for creating the rock-solid foundations that are absolutely critical in driving a thriving and prosperous business. 

We are currently open for enrollment for season 9. The window to enroll closes on Thursday May 25 at 10pm PDT.

We will be offering Travel Marketing Revolution [Foundations].

Travel Marketing Revolution is tailored to meet the needs of travel business owners and travel advisors working for agencies.

Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned advisor, our content is expertly designed to resonate with you and provide immense value.

Regardless of your level of experience, you’ll find the course perfectly delivered to empower you with the knowledge and strategies essential for success in the ever-evolving travel industry. 

The investment for Travel Marketing Revolution [Foundations] Season 9 is $1147. 

For new students, we provide flexible payment options to suit your preferences. You have the choice to pay upfront in full or opt for the convenience of spreading your payments over 3, 6, or 12 monthly installments. Select the payment plan that best aligns with your financial needs and embark on your learning journey with ease.

In Season 9, previous students can enjoy the incredible benefit of lifetime access to the course at no additional charge.

No matter if you’re a solo-entrepreneur, a travel business owner, or a travel advisor in an agency, Travel Marketing Revolution is your ultimate solution to establishing and sustaining a consistent flow of new clients.

This program is exclusively designed to unleash a plethora of innovative ideas that will empower you to build a robust and lucrative travel business. Not only will we provide you with these groundbreaking concepts, but we will also guide you through the execution process with step-by-step “how-to” instructions.

Travel Marketing Revolution is laser-focused on igniting a profound transformation within your travel business. We are immensely proud of the countless success stories that have emerged from our current “revolution family.” 

There are 4 ways to gain support:

  1. Join the many hours of live coaching calls (or catch the replays)
    You can submit your questions for Sandra to answer. The coaching calls are yours to reference back at any time.

  2. Head over to the pop-up Facebook group
    You will find like-minded travel business owners and travel advisors. Many of our “revolution family” have created deep connections in the group and now have what will most likely be life long friendships. In this group you can ask questions and for advice. It is an active, kind and very support group of individuals. At the end of your live coaching call schedule you’ll be folded into the Facebook group for Travel Marketing Revolution Alumni to continue working on your business.

  3. Join an Accountability Pod
    They meet weekly by video chat to provide support to each other and keep everyone accountable. In fact, if you have the time, join 2 Accountability Pods and show up to two meetings per week.
    Double the support, double the momentum!

  4. Download load the Travel Advisor Hub App
    Head over to the Communities tab and jump into some awesome conversation (sorted by topic and niche) with other travel advisors. There is even a Community for Travel Marketing Revolution students.

We are unable to provide 1:1 individual business support or coaching.

Cancel anytime, no refunds. When you sign up for a payment plan you are taking advantage of the opportunity to have comfortable payments. If you choose not to continue with the course or pick it up at a later date, you are responsible to ensure all payments are made as scheduled. Behind this small business is a small family and a small team that value your on time payments. We know you get that!

Interesting fact: of the thousands of travel advisors to take our courses, only one person has ever said they didn’t like it and wanted to cancel. One in tens of thousands of course participants… that’s pretty amazing.

We’re pretty sure that you won’t want to leave us because this online course opportunity provides real time mentoring and coaching from Sandra herself and that’s worth it’s weight in gold – only you’re not paying the $5K/month retainer to work with her.

Great question. We can guarantee that if you follow the course work, put in a decent effort and are committed to your business, you will see growth.

You guarantee that you’ll have growth in clarity and planning from module #1. 

Check out the amazing feedback from a cross-section of our alumni.

I was at a conference and had lunch with a table of travel advisors who had all taken Travel Marketing Revolution. They raved the entire meal! I went to one of Sandra’s sessions not long after and knew I needed in.

I did not hesitate to sign up. I knew that I could not afford not to sign up. I knew that a few good bookings would return my investment. Taking Travel Marketing Revolution if the best thing I could have done for my business. It has really helped me solidify my brand AND I can attribute the uptick in business to everything that I have learned and implemented from the course.

It is a lot of work but take your time and dedicate yourself. The beauty of the course is that you have it for life so can go back to it anytime you need to. I have yet to see anyone go into as much depth as Sandra when she teaches. The fact that she has decades of travel industry experience is priceless.
Travel Advisor


Can we flex for a moment? 

Countless travel advisors have experienced remarkable success, propelling their businesses into profit mode within just a few short months of implementing our transformative modules. The results speak for themselves.


These extraordinary individuals have gone on to achieve astonishing sales figures, with some surpassing multiple millions in annual sales.

Imagine consistently paying yourself over $100K per year while doing what you love – a feat made possible through our comprehensive course.

Not only have our students achieved remarkable financial milestones, but they have also garnered industry recognition. Sales awards and prestigious features on the “best of the best” lists are a testament to the outstanding results our course delivers.

But here’s the real showstopper: A select group of travel advisors has achieved the ultimate level of success, boasting monthly sales figures exceeding $1 million. This exceptional achievement showcases the limitless potential that awaits you when you embrace our program.


Without a doubt I would have had my best year ever if it wasn’t for the pandemic.
Without a doubt, my business would have folded if it wasn’t for this course and this group.

I signed up because I knew I wanted my business to grow and I knew I couldn’t get there on my own. I validated my decision because if I didn’t step out and try taking someone’s help I’d be in the same spot 2 years from now. Because I had been following Sandra already for 2-3 years, I knew how much she cared and freely gave of herself. 6 months before signing up for Travel Marketing Revolution I paid more than 5X this investment and gained only 25% of what I learned with Sandra.

This program changes everything! I have been back through the course twice since then (because you get lifetime access as one of the benefits), and I keep picking up new things.

By far Sandra and the team at Travel Marketing & Media ® are the best to learn from.
teresa baker
Travel Advisor


Most travel business owners spend 99% of their time working IN their business instead of ON your business, booking travel and taking care of clients.

While we admire and agree on the fact that you should give your everything to your clients, the simple truth is that if you don’t work ON your business, you won’t have enough clients to help.

Every business on the planet needs clients. Your business needs to have goals, plans, strategies, and tactics to get those new clients.

Because 100% of our focus in TRAVEL MARKETING REVOLUTION is client attraction, all you need to do is show up and trust the process.

Take in the content, ask questions and implement the strategy and you WILL get new clients.


TRAVEL MARKETING REVOLUTION is for only one kind of person – someone who wants to create a continuous stream of new clients (their perfect type of client) to their business.

Do you live client to client? That’s almost like living paycheck to paycheck.

Do you struggle to balance working on your business (marketing, networking, branding, professional development) with working in your business (serving clients)?

Do you want a waitlist of clients eager to work with you?

Do you want clients to pay you what you’re worth and tell everyone they know about you?

Do you only want your perfect type of client to knock on your door/inbox? No more price shoppers!

If the answer to any (or all) of those questions is yes, TRAVEL MARKETING REVOLUTION is for you!


Signing up for an online course is pointless if you just move from lesson to lesson without a structured success path.

Surely you’ve seen online course and membership communities and online courses where they charge people for delivering random content and throwing them into a Facebook group to chat among themselves.

While it might bring you more friendships and make you feel supported, it’s highly likely that you haven’t smashed your business goals because of it.

TRAVEL MARKETING REVOLUTION is different. We wanted to put our word on it and show you exactly how we are going to help you to move towards your financial goals.

The 5 level self-assessment at the top of this page shows how our structured and carefully thought out course content will lead you to high achievement. It is the exact same path that Sandra took to build her successful business and hit her goals in less than 12 months, earning her 6 figures of profit (after-tax).

What happens after you work through all 5 stages? You increase your sales goals and tweak your funnel, and go around again!

You don’t stop until you get tired of making more money and tired of success!



The chart below is a PROBLEM/SOLUTION self-assessment for travel business owners. I will help you to identify where you are in your business right now and what you need to change.

Here’s how it works… each of the 5 levels is a critical area that you need to nail in order to have a profitable business.

Read through the left-hand side (PROBLEM) of each level and make a note of where you are.

Now, look at the right-hand side. That is the SOLUTION that our program will provide for you.

If you are sitting on the wrong side of levels 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5…
TRAVEL MARKETING REVOLUTION will change your business and your personal life.




You are attracting:

  • ​Price shoppers
  • Tire kickers
  • Clients outside your specialty
  • No clients at all


This membership will ensure you will only attract clients who:

  • Are your ideal client avatar (ICA)
  • See your value
  • Are happy to pay your fees
  • Feel like they would be missing out (FOMO) by not working with you




You do not have a clearly documented and updated:

  • Business Plan
  • Sales Targets & Product Mix
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Ideal client avatar (ICA)


This membership will ensure you have:

  • Each of the items to the left documented
  • A feeling of clarity in how to move forward on a daily basis
  • The confidence to tweak and update the documents to improve your business
  • Metrics in place to measure your success so that you can pivot or progress




You identify with one or more of the following:​

  • You don’t know what a funnel is
  • You work client to client (paycheck to paycheck)
  • You have some good sales months and some bad ones


This membership will ensure you know how to easily:

  • Design a funnel
  • Activate a funnel
  • Continue attracting more clients who want to receive knowledge from you
  • Achieve consistency in getting new email list subscribers




You are not consistently:

  • Producing weekly content for your audience (podcast, video or blog)
  • Sending a weekly email to your audience
  • Increasing the size of your email list with your ideal client avatar


This membership will ensure that you develop consistent habits so that you can:

  • Produce weekly fresh content that builds the Know, Like Trust & Trust Factor
  • See your email list growing before your eyes
  • Start and maintain a relationship with your audience in preparation to SELL




You are not in a position (financial, mental or time-wise) to do the following:

  • Hire people for your team
  • Attend conferences and take courses that will help you to grow
  • Pay your personal and business bills without checking your bank account first
  • Take a vacation without it affecting your income or the service to your clients.


This membership will ensure that you see massive transformation in your business and personal life. Examples include:

  • Hiring experts for your team rather than the best you can afford
  • An incredible work-life balance
  • A lifestyle upgrade: house, car, kid’s education, your own travel



In the foundational module, we help you discover your ideal client so that you know where to find them and how to turn them from strangers into email subscribers and then into paying clients.


We teach you how to develop high converting a high converting marketing funnel for your travel business. As your audience grows, we show you step-by-step how to convince them without a doubt, that they need to book travel with you.


We take a deep dive into the numbers behind your business so that you can quote and close more sales and work with only the clients you want. Stop wasting time on tire-kickers and price shoppers.


Between your designated accountability team and our support, this course will not gather dust on your desktop. You’ll gain momentum as you start using the tactics and tools that you create week to week.


Helped over 42,000
travel businesses
just like you
& award-winning travel
businesses launched
of travel industry marketing
& revenue experience. Recommended by travel industry leaders.


  • The course blueprint to stay focused and on track in a way that suits your own lifestyle
  • 10 FOUNDATION modules of our signature course Travel Marketing Revolution [Foundations]
  • Live Q&A coaching calls - send a question directly to Sandra to answer
  • Access to the private Facebook community filled with hundreds of like-minded travel advisors all busy implementing tactics and supporting each other
  • Worksheets for each module to help you implement the learning into your business
  • Access to join one or more "study + accountability pods" that meet regularly virtually
  • Templates + examples to save you time

What your peers have to say about
learning from Sandra.

Sandra and her team are on top of social media marketing for travel advisors - I've participated in many of her sessions...

Posted by Emer Coughlin on Thursday, April 2, 2020

Sandra is very knowledgeable for assisting advisors since she was in several parts of the travel industry. Very generous with information to assist travel advisors.

Posted by Mimi Auchter on Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wow! From the first time I came across Sandra’s video, I felt like this was the perfect fit for me. I’ve checked out so...

Posted by Diana Andujar Rosario on Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sandra and her team have provided me with Marketing, Social media materials that I would not have had access to....

Posted by Brenda Otto on Friday, April 17, 2020

Sandra has more than 20 years in the industry, so she understands it, which is different from those offering travel...

Posted by Debbye Hardin on Friday, March 13, 2020

Yes, I highly recommend Travel Marketing & Media. They go above and beyond with sharing excellent best practices for...

Posted by Bonita Lockley on Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ready to get new clients without spending thousands of dollars on a business coach?

We’re ready to help you create the travel business of your dreams.

Join the waitlist and receive a notification when enrolment next opens.


travel marketing revolution for host agencies + consortia

We welcome host agencies and consortia who would like to add Travel Marketing Revolution [Foundations] to their toolkit. 

Reach out to us at to discuss licensing options for your advisor community.

Office Closures

Our office is closed on the following days in 2023


Business + Team Development




Independence Day

JULY 6 - 7

Business + Team Development


Business + Team Development

September 4

Labor Day

September 25

Business + Team Development


Veterans Day




Christmas Day


Business + Team Development


TWELVE INSTALLMENTS – Special offer that requires prior approval. For clarification, please email  *Additional $500 premium applies to WordPress site

Angela J

Angela brings a lifetime, literally, of writing and travel experience to the team. She has traveled to more than 30 countries—and has lived in four of them.

What I do

Create high-quality content

On my travel bucket list

Antarctica, the Galapagos, Egypt, Slovenia and Patagonia are currently at the top of the list, but I want to go EVERYWHERE.

My fave food

Anything with avocado

My favorite people in my life

Family and friends, of course! Especially the ones who join me on epic travel adventures…some of whom I met on epic travel adventures.

Laura P

In my free time, I’m a musician (pianist/vocalist/guitarist) and photographer while looking for opportunities to go hiking, travel, and read, especially about psychology. I love to visually bring clients dreams to life!

What I do

 As Design Lead and one of Travel Marketing and Media’s designers, I help manage the design team while designing websites, logos, and marketing kits for clients. With an MBA, I have over 20 years of experience in marketing and design, including over 10 years managing a marketing firm.

On my travel bucket list

Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Africa, Thailand, Alaska, Montana

My fave food

mango, pineapple, jalapeno, spicy Thai or Korean and BBQ (especially Kansas City BBQ brisket burnt ends), I also love to cook and try new foods!



My favorite people in my life

My fiance, family and my 15-year old rescued pomeranian chihuahua Casper

Es M

Es is a creative digital designer. She enjoys creating and designing websites and graphics. When she’s not designing websites, she’s hiking and enjoying the outdoors.

What I do

Wordpress and Wix Website Designer.



On my travel bucket list

Thailand, Mauritius, and Mozambique.

My fave food

Malva pudding – A caramelized sweet cake soaked in creamy syrup and typically served with custard, but I like mine with vanilla ice cream.

My favorite people in my life

My family and my friends. 

Jacqueline K

Jacqueline herself is an avid traveler and brings exceptional experience to the team with her digital marketing, branding and operations.  In her own words she is always looking to add new skills to her arsenal!

What I do

I’m one of TMM’s Marketing Coordinators

On my travel bucket list

Everywhere I haven’t been! Top of my list is Finnish Lapland, Egypt, South Africa, and Antarctica

My fave food

The 3 P’s: Pizza, Pasta, and Popcorn, plus Rack of Lamb and anything Wild Boar

My favorite people in my life

I just got married (Yay for being a COVID-Bride) so my husband, my family, my friends who are really family.  I’ve lived around the United States and have been lucky enough to find a really incredible group of people to laugh with, talk to, go on adventures, and just love each other.

Hannah W

Hannah joins our group with a skillset packed with design, social media and communication roles.  She supports our team in any way she can and has an extensive background in all things marketing. 

What I do


On my travel bucket list


My fave food


My favorite people in my life


Jordana M

Jordana brings 17 years of travel industry experience to the team. She’s traveled to 80+ countries, spends every spare minute she can exploring her local mountains, and is the proud Mother of an adventurous, globetrotting little human.

What I do

Copy shop Writer

On my travel bucket list


My fave food

Singaporean Chicken Rice

My favorite people in my life

My son, my Mom, and my community of girlfriends

Orestes D

Orestes is the lead on Wordpress development projects. He possesses 10+ years of experience working with companies to bring their ideal online presence to life, with clientele ranging from small business owners to large travel brands.

What I do

Build all the Wordpress websites.

On my travel bucket list

Scotland, Ireland and India.

My fave food

Mexican and Italian.

My favorite people in my life

My wife, kids and family.

Lou M

Always up for a new adventure and learning more about what the world has to offer. A laid-back and caring individual that loves spending time with her family, playing guitar, reading, and solving puzzles.

What I do

I’m a Graphic Designer and Design Support for Travel Marketing and Media. I help create websites and other graphic elements, as well as helping my other team members. I also work with other clients creating UI and digital content on many platforms.

On my travel bucket list

Italy, Maldives, and Australia.

My fave food

I love smoked salmon and cream cheese on a croissant, sushi, watermelon, any warm homemade food, and a cup of matcha latte any time.

My favorite people in my life

My family is my everything. All I do is for them. My partner holds the most special place in my heart, as I can’t see myself without him.

Kelsea R

Kelsea is one of our 4 amazing concierges providing excellent service to Travel Marketing and Media Clients. She brings 10+ years of experience and also assists in project management. She is always up for a challenge and looking to get things done!

What I do

I am a Client Concierge and I make sure we keep our advisors happy!

On my travel bucket list

Next time I’m able to travel internationally, I’ll be crossing Greece off my list

My fave food

Mexican street tacos with lots of cilantro and lime

My favorite people in my life

My partner, Cait and my hound/beagle mix, Chester.


TWELVE INSTALLMENTS – Special offer that requires prior approval. For clarification, please email  *Additional $500 premium applies to WordPress site


To get that consistent stream of new clients you need two things; a strategy and tactics. We'd like to send you a weekly email with that help. 


We're here to help you build a travel business that is wildly profitable and brings you joy.

Thanks! Keep an eye on your inbox for updates.


Charisse has a wealth of administrative knowledge and experience. She’s from North Carolina, and has a really calm demeanor yet is eager when it comes to her work.

What I do

Learning the ends and outs of the web design process, responding to questions and concerns from clients.

On my travel bucket list

Johannesburg, North Holland, Alaska

My fave food


My favorite people in my life

My mom, my sisters, my cousins, and my friends from H.S/College.

Jenn G

She specializes in blogs and articles about family and home but has a passion for travel.

When she’s not working, she enjoys time with her husband, three (adult) children, and five pets. She and her family live in a beautiful area in Maine with no shortage of things to do!

What I do

Freelance writer

On my travel bucket list

Hawaii, Italy, and Australia

My fave food

Cheeseburgers and fried chicken (not healthy, but I don’t care – yum!)

My favorite people in my life

My husband and children

Matthew D

While his degree may be in journalism, he spends most of his time focusing on blogs and social
media writing for clients in various industries. When not writing, Matthew also spends a large chunk of his time working in education. He divides his time between working in the classroom and helping to run before and after school childcare programs. In his free time, he can be found reading, crafting, and keeping up with all things pop culture (just not the Kardashians).

What I do

Content Writer

On my travel bucket list

Cyprus, Prague (Again), Argentina, Australia

My fave food

Vegetable Lasagna, Any kind of soup,  Hummus, Chex Mix

My favorite people in my life

My parents, but specifically my favorite travel companion, my mother.

Jonnelle Davis

In the meantime, as a travel content editor, Jonnelle helps to deliver clean and engaging content to our travel agents.

She enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family, and she savors opportunities to have new experiences, big and small.

What I do

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

On my travel bucket list

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

My fave food

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

My favorite people in my life

Vestibulum eget dolor quis orci bibendum fermentum. Curabitur convallis turpis.

Anthony McLemore

Not only does Anthony co-host some of the video related Power Sessions with Sandra, but he also created an incredible course for travel bussinesses showing them how to use video to increase their sales.

If you’re lucky you’ll also catch him at a travel conference on stage or in our booth.

What I do

I direct and produce video content for travel suppliers such as cruise lines, hotel chains, associations, consortia, host agencies, and tour operators. My expertise is in interviewing and storytelling and the content that I produce is an excellent investment for suppliers as they can use it for many years to come. I travel with a film crew to the suppliers and we also travel to destinations to capture photos and videos to build supplier media libraries.

On my travel bucket list

Snowboarding in the Swiss Alps, exploring the South Pacific islands where my wife’s family is from, a safari with my son and wife in South Africa, and a first-class train adventure somewhere exotic.

My fave food

Japanese, Thai, Italian, Greek

My favorite people in my life

Not surprisingly…. Sandra and Houston! I also have amazing parents, family, and friends in every corner of the globe that I am grateful for.

Dana B

When she’s not making beautiful websites, Dana enjoys spending time with her husband and young daughter. She’s always looking to plan their next road trip or outdoor adventure, and can’t help but be expired but the amazing destinations she learns about through her work every day.

What I do

I help bring the client’s business to life by crafting stunning websites and marketing pieces to showcase their unique travel services.

On my travel bucket list

My travel bucket list right now is focused more on domestic destinations. I want to see more of our beautiful country–the Rockies, the Grand Canyon, the New England coast, the Florida Keys, and Hawaii just to name a few!

My fave food

I love all different kinds of foods but right now I’m really digging Mediterranean flavors. Give me all the garlic and all the spices!

My favorite people in my life

My favorite people in my life are of course my husband and daughter, my parents and siblings, and my dog Lucy!

Jenny M

Tasnia is an avid traveler who provides writing content for travel businesses. She acquires extensive experience as a writer and brings her passion of travel and creative writing into Travel Marketing and Media. 

What I do

I’m a Freelance Creative Writer. 

On my travel bucket list

Verona, Italy & Santorini, Greece have my heart.

My fave food

My favorite food consists of cheese, or anything spicy. 

My favorite people in my life

My favorite people in my life include my family, friends, and my cat Macy! 

Emily B

As a North Carolina native, Emily spent most of her summers on the coast so her love for the sea and adventure developed at an early age. Since moving to New York, Emily has built a career around travel and looks forward to exploring more of Southeast Asia and South America in the future.

What I do

Freelance writer for social media, websites, destinations, and blogs. 

On my travel bucket list

Vietnam, Australia, and Costa Rica!

My fave food

Anything Italian and a really good cheeseburger!

My favorite people in my life

Family and my friends/travel buddies!

Svetlana I

Svetlana is known for her detail-oriented nature and her desire to learn. She is multilingual, enjoys yoga, new experiences, and loves travel!

What I do

I make sure our clients get answers to their questions and get to the right courses at the right time

On my travel bucket list

All around Seattle, Vancouver, and Anchorage

My fave food

Anything-raw vegan with a steaming hot mug of pure cacao

My favorite people in my life

My mom

Jeanna Akins

She has spent over a decade in the Administrative world and has a knack for order and direction. She is our go-to for a wide array of services. If she doesn’t have the answer she’ll find it or get you to the team member that does!

Jeanna enjoys time with her family (which includes a 13 year old Yorkie), being out doors and bringing old objects back to life. She also has a passion for volunteering in her community.

What I do

I proudly provide services as Travel Marketing and Media’s business manager. Leading our concierge’s, creative team, and content production for Social Media Solutions as well as work with VIP clients and organize events for Sandra.

On my travel bucket list

Germany,  Iceland and Norway.

My fave food

Mexican, Italian and Thai food.

My favorite people in my life

My Family and friends for sure, life just wouldn’t be as great without them and a special shout out to my husband who puts up with me!

Tawney Clum

Tawney loves all things outdoors and treasures time with her friends and family. In her down time she takes advantage the beautiful  near by mountains and lakes while indulging in great fishing trips!

She loves her family and friends and a great family vacation!

What I do

Assistant Manager

On my travel bucket list


My fave food


My favorite people in my life

My Children and my Husband

Sandra McLemore

Sandra created Travel Marketing & Media, a marketing agency for travel business owners who want to create a consistent stream of new clients so that they can have a wildly profitable travel business that brings them joy.

She speaks regularly at travel industry events around the world and in 2021 will launch her new travel magazine & travel accessories collection.

Sandra is also the host of Travel Market Report TV, the travel industry’s leading trade publisher, and the travel expert featured on Daily Mail TV, CNN, BBC World News, ABC, morning TV shows, and talk shows.

What I do

I create and teach our signature online course, our masterclasses, workshops and host the Travel Marketing Townhall meetings. I also provide webinars and keynotes for host agencies, consortia and large travel industry events.

On my travel bucket list

South Korea, South Africa, a river cruise, Sri Lanka, a world cruise!

My fave food

Vietnamese, Thai, Italian, Japanese.

My favorite people in my life

My husband Anthony, our baby Houston, my Goddaughter Nomi, and all of our amazing friends and family. We have an amazing village. And of course I’ll always love Oprah, Amy Porterfield and Donald Miller.